Speak to us to solve your cable theft and cable management problems - we have a solution
Commercial ICT has developed a cable theft monitoring and alerting system that utilizes Permaconn’s devices and Pocket Secure App for real-time alerting and providing a communication platform for delivering the alerts into the monitoring centre.
The system conforms to the security industries Ademco reporting format and is easily set up into existing monitoring centre software.
The cable theft system is integrated into and managed by Permaconn’s Atlas device and end-user fleet management platform, this combined with the use of Pocket Secure provides the end-user with a fully managed ‘always on’ alerting system.
Realtime Notifications and Panic System
The system utilizes Permaconn’s system for communication and does not utilize SMS technology. Permaconn ensures that the customers’ monthly costs are known and easily managed within Permaconn’s secure Atlas platform.
Devices and end-users are activated and managed within Atlas.

Fixed Monthly Costs and Centralized Management
The system utilizes Permaconn’s system for communication and does not utilize SMS technology. Permaconn ensures that the customers’ monthly costs are known and easily managed within Permaconn’s secure Atlas platform.
Devices and end users are activated and managed within Atlas.
Cable Theft and Sensing Technology
Commercial ICT Model CM12 cable theft device is a DIN mount de- vice that can protect up to 12 cables per CM12.
The theft unit utilises Rogowski coils on the inputs and can be used to protect AC and pulsed DC supply cables.
The Rogowski coil insulation is certified up to 5.5kv.
Read about our anti-cable theft technology in the news HERE
Real-time Pocket
Secure App Notifications

Easy and Safe Installation

The CM12 can be installed into existing substations, minisub transformers or deployed in mobile devices to protect distribution cables installed in temporary distribution boards out in the field. Rogowski coils are easily installed and ‘clipped’ around existing conductors, conductors can be insulated or bare conductors with- out the need to undo existing terminations.
The CM12 is powered by Permaconn’s PM1048 device 12v supply and provides up to 8 hours of standalone power to the CM12.
Detection Coil Technology
Busbars and irregularly shaped cable bundles are common in applications such as power distribution points.
Conventional CT’s are not able to fit around the monitored conductor, leading to an exhausting and time-consuming installation. The flexibility of detection coils saves the installer a significant amount of time and physical exertion because of how easily they surround a conductor.
“Commercial ICT’s detection coils are easier to install and less mechanically intrusive into existing installations vs CT’s”

Ready to stop and manage your cable theft for the long term?
We're Here To Help!
Elvey Techno Park,
No 27 Greenstone Way,
Greenstone Hill, Greenstone, 1609
24 Hours Tel:
010 590 6177