This information is intended for customers and partners who manage Sophos RED/SD-RED devices via Sophos Firewall OS. There is no change for Sophos UTM.

Dear Valued Customer

The last two years have seen a significant increase in the use of RED/SD-RED for remote connectivity. During the pandemic, we have refrained from fully enforcing
the existing licensing requirements in Sophos Firewall OS (SFOS).

With SFOS v19.0 MR2 and v19.5 MR1, which are currently scheduled for Q1 2023, we plan to enforce the requirement for a Network Protection subscription for RED/
SD-RED device management only.

Sophos Notice

What happens if I don’t have Network Protection, or it expires?

If you are running firmware before SFOS v19.0 MR2 or v19.5 MR1, you will see a banner in the user interface alerting you to the license requirement. After upgrading
to SFOS v19.0 MR2 or v19.5 MR1 or newer, (SD-)RED devices will no longer be able to connect or be managed until an active Network Protection subscription is added. Once the license is updated, (SD-)RED devices will reconnect without any further effort.

Reminder: Upcoming End-of-Life for RED 15, 15w, 50

RED 15/15w and RED 50 models will reach their EOL on August 31, 2023. We recommend that you plan your replacement in good time, as EOL products may no longer be supported after a software update. We will inform you of the final supported version(s) for these products in the coming months.

Should you have any additional questions, please reach out to us.

Yours sincerely

Shane Rheeder
Business Lead

Commercial ICT a Member of the Hudaco Group